Executive Director

To contact Megan, email: MQuickle@baneighbors.org
Megan received her undergraduate degree, where she studied political science and chemistry, and master’s degree in Emergency Management Administration, from Oklahoma State University. She primarily studied highly vulnerable populations in disasters, and her thesis focused on nuclear power plant emergency operation plans. Go Pokes!
Early in her professional career, she worked for Disaster Resilience Tulsa (formerly Tulsa Partners’ Inc.), where she also served as their Board President for over four years, in a volunteer capacity after taking on her role at the Tulsa Health Department. In her role at the Tulsa City-County Health Department, she was in their Emergency Preparedness and Response Program, and proudly served under Dr. Bruce Dart during her time there. Mrs. Quickle was then hired as the first female and youngest Safety Director for Hillcrest Hospital and helped implement the first Ebola plan for the state of Oklahoma. She continued her career in safety management and as the safety and compliance director for local industrial and oil companies, but she knew her love, her passion, was to continue to serve those in vulnerable situations through non-profits. She served as the State Director of Development for Vizavance (formerly Prevent Blindness Oklahoma), before taking on a larger role as the statewide Development Manager for JDRF Oklahoma.
Since April of 2020, she has been truly humbled to serve as the Executive Director for Broken Arrow Neighbors (BAN), a comprehensive community resource center in the heart of the Rose District, celebrating its 40th year in the community. The mission of this amazing organization is to eliminate food insecurity in our community through their vision of dignity, compassion and empowering the future of their clients. Through their client-choice food pantry, financial assistance and their new job mentorship program, Jump Start, which she envisioned and created through her 2021 Leadership Broken Arrow class, their vision has become a reality! She has helped to grow and nearly double the impact of how this incredible organization serves their neighbors in need to over 36,000 individuals each year. Her passion project includes adding pet food to their food pantry, helping serve over 1,600 families since its inception in early 2022. Named Cali’s Cart, after her diabetes service dog who passed in 2021, Cali – her legacy will live on forever helping feed the many hungry dogs and cats of our clients and their families at BAN.
Through her leadership, BAN was awarded Nonprofit of the Year in 2021 by the Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce, and she was personally nominated for Businessperson of the Year in 2022. Additionally in 2023, she was nominated for the Tulsa Regional Chamber’s Small Businessperson of the Year award.
Megan has been a lifelong volunteer and advocate for the American Diabetes Association and was part of a national speaking tour with Miss America 1999, Nicole Johnson, while living and educating about type-1 diabetes. She currently serves on the Women’s Leadership Council for the Tulsa Area United Way, as well as the Centennial NonProfit Partner Committee, celebrating TAUW’s 100 years of Living United! She is a 2021 graduate of Leadership Broken Arrow and is a part of the newly created Young Professionals program, both through the Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce. Megan is an active member of the Rotary Club of Broken Arrow, serving as their Public Relations Chair. She currently serves as Treasurer and President-Elect for the Board of Directors of Eastern Oklahoma Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), in addition to the Treasurer of the Board of the AssistOK council. She joined the Tulsa Chapter of Association of Women in Communication (AWC) in 2022 and now serves on their Board of Directors, Co-Chairing the 2024 Spring Workshop. In 2021 she was asked to co-chair the newly created non-profit, Turn Tulsa Blue for Diabetes.
She has always said her why is to humbly serve, to be an advocate for those without a voice, so that she can use her passion to be a change catalyst not only in our community, but across the world. She lives in Broken Arrow with her husband of 18 years, Joe, who love to travel as often as their busy lives allow them. They affectionately call their many 4-legged fur babies the “Q Zoo”, the largest being her Saint Bernard, Apfelstrudel.